1)If there is a word "VIRUS" while transforming job in informatica then abort the jobs
2)What will you do after a job is aborted ?
3)Dynamic lookup??
4)Source Qualifier ?? can we remove the source qualifier and use only the source transformation?
5)Router and Filter transformation difference ?
1)How will the requirements be written and mapped to the test cases?
2)Regression suite developed ?
1)soft link and hard link :
Hard Link -- ln filename pointerfilename--
contains inode number of that file--Once deleted hardlink ,still the contents are visible
New File is not created and the file is just a mirror of the original file.
Cannot be used across filesystems ,Consumes extra space since new file with new inode number is created.
Soft Link-- ln -s filename pointerfilename--contains file name to reference the file--Once deleted softlink ,the contents are not visible
New File is not created and the file is just a mirror of the original file.
Can be used across filesystems,does not consume extra space since new file with new inode number is not created.
ls -il --To see the hard and soft links in the particular directory
ls -F--When Soft link is created , the filename ends with @symbol which can be seen and identified as softlink by using this command.
2)display the 33rd line in a file
head -X <<
head -33 abc.sh | tail -1
3)if a job fails in unix what is the error code received , if it passes what is the error code?
answers) 1 and 0 (failure and success)
4)if you want to find a string in the present working directory what is the command in unix ?
ls -lrt | grep "avi" .
5)tile keyword in unix ?
6)concatenate 2 files in unix
cat file1.txt file2.txt > new.txt --if new file is empty
cat file1.txt file2.txt >> new.txt --if new file is not empty and append the contents to new.txt
7)Run a shell job in the background and retreive the result once it is completed
To place a foreground process in the background: suspend the foreground process (with Ctrl-z) then enter the bg command to move the process into the background.
Show the status of all background and suspended jobs: jobs
Bring a job back into the foreground: fg %jobnumber
Bring a job back into the background: bg %jobnumber
8)nohup command
nohup scriptname & -Automatically runs the jobs in the background even after exit
9)disown command--runs the jobs even if you exit from the terminal
10)ls -lrt .... what is lrt ?
long listing files in time in reverse order
11)find all the process for all users running in the system
ps -A
PS -U vivek
ps aux
12)Retrieve the above 2 lines and below 2 lines in file of unix if you are in 3rd line
grep -a2 "search pattern" sample.dat -- Print above and below 2 lines
13)what is the size of the file in unix kb or mb?
13)delete a directory if there are files in it ?
rm -rf *.*
rmdir directory_name
14)delete a .sh file in unix in present directory ?
rm -Rf .
15)overwrite a unix file
shred option filename -Overwriting the existing file multiple times and securely deleting the file
16)display the line number and the line in a file if the word "DONE" is present in a particular file
grep -n "DONE" filename
17)how to schedule a job in unix ?
crontab -e
opens the scheduler window
* * * * * * touch abc.txt
save and quit(wq!)
18)cat > f1
cat >> f1 >> f2 >> f3
What will cat f2 display?
Ans) Nill because all the contents are transferred to f3.
Please refer this site also-->http://www.washington.edu/computing/unix/commands.html
1)Disadvantages of datawarehouse model(snowflake or star)
2)Why do we need to have a datwarehouse model.
can this be done without star or snowflake schema ?
3)What is the approach to load dimension table
4)Is dimension table load a daily load?
static table
Dynamic table
5)Challenges faced in data migration project ?
*capacity, performance, availability, connectivity
*Availability of the data - The data will not be ready all the time so for a client , it is called downtime.
*During data movement the data will not be availble to the end user which is done only during off hours.
*The infrastructure team has even more work to do behind the scenes: are the data protection mechanisms (backup, replication, DR, etc.) working as expected, do the monitoring and reporting tools work, and so on.
*failback provisions are made if something doesn't work as expected
*Since Customer data is fragmented across multiple source systems,
This makes developing a unified customer-centric view extremely difficult.
1)union and union all ... which is faster?
Union all
2)Truncate Parent and child table at one go.
Answer: Cascade delete
3)How to test a junk data coming from the Production source ?
Data profiling
select * from tabl_name where to_char(start_date,'mm-dd-yy') like 'OCT%' and to_char(end_date,'mm-dd-yy') like 'OCT%'
select * from table_name where extract(month from start_date) like 'OCT%' and extract(month from end_date)
like 'OCT%'
5)rowid and rownum? which is permanent ?
rowid is permanent
delete from table_name where rowid not in (select min(rowid) from table_name)--this query is used to remove the
duplicates that has occured and by retaining the first duplicate.
6)File to table data comparison?
FROM excel import the file and use the delimiter functionality to seperate the data.
Data Menu -->From Text
7)inline query ...
Multiple sub Queries enclosed in a sinle line by aliasing it
select a,b from (select a,b,c,d from tab_name) where rownum<=5
select d.a,e.b from table_name d,(select a,b,c,d from tab_name)e where d.a=e.b
8)Uncorrelated sub query ..
SELECT customer_name FROM customer_dimension WHERE (customer_gender, annual_income) IN (SELECT customer_gender, MAX(annual_income) FROM customer_dimension GROUP BY customer_gender);
Correlated sub query..
SELECT employee_number, name
FROM employees AS Bob
WHERE salary > (
SELECT AVG(salary)
FROM employees
WHERE department = Bob.department);
In this example we are finding the list of all employees whose salary is above average for their departments
The subquery is evaluated once for each row processed by the outer query
9)views? If the base table is deleted... what is the error encountered when querying for the view?
Views can join and simplify multiple tables into a single virtual table.
Views can represent a subset of the data contained in a table. Consequently, a view can limit the degree of exposure of the underlying tables to the outer world: a given user may have permission to query the view, while denied access to the rest of the base table.View Doesnot contain data. But
Materialized view Contains data. Because Materialised view
contains results of a Query.
Base table or view not found.
10)Materialized views
Stores the result to a table and consumes little space
The data is available anytime unlike the view where the query will be fired and result has to be fetched that time
Records will be aggregated at regular intervals.
11)Advantages of normalised and de-normalised schemas
1)what is the requirement traceability matrix? What comppnent is it mapped to ?
The Matrix is created at the very beginning of a project as it forms the basis of the project's scope and deliverables that will be produced.
Requirement ID
Requirement Type
Requirement Description
Trace to Design Specification
Unit Test Cases
Test Case Number
Integration Test Cases
System Test Cases
User Acceptance Test Cases
Trace to Test Script
2)What is the difference between test strategy and test plan ?
Test Strategy: derived from the Business Requirement Specification document.
one Test Strategy document and different number of Test Plans for each phase or level of testing.
•Test automation and tools
•Risks and mitigation
•Training plan
Test Plan:derived from the software Requirement Specification document.
what to test, how to test, when to test and who will do what test.
usually prepared by the Test Lead
•Features to be tested
•Suspension criteria
•Test techniques
3)sanity and smoke testing ... before starting the project which is done ?
Before and after
table is present
No data is present before the job is run.
table is present
Data is present afer the job is run.
1)Macros and automation
Thanks for the information. Can any one give the answer for 2nd question ,
ReplyDelete2)What will you do after a job is aborted ?
Very good collection of information thank you for sharing this. Know more about
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